Saturday, December 17, 2016

Instagram November

1. 5th of November pretty fireworks. I managed to take some really nice photographs this weekend, but I'm definitely still learning how to use my camera.
2. I went to see Nocturnal Animals in the Cinema, fantastic film from Tom Ford.

3. It snowed - golly gosh - what is this white stuff?!
4. Fun times sketching my America Trip besties. I think this is my favourite group shot from the holiday, we were on the Tower of Terror ride.

5. A piece of art I created this month that I loved, based on a floral garland.
6. Hot cocoa in my Becka Griffin Alphabet of Dinosaurs mug of course.

7. Light bedtime reading on 'How to be an illustrator' and Children's book illustration.
8. Token selfie, complete with my new Blokk design necklace

Check out the rest of my monthly instagram posts below:

Check out my 2015 review here.


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