Sunday, November 08, 2015

Japan Trip - Day 4

Today began with exploring Shibuya, we walked out of the station, crossed the street and headed over to do some shopping in Tower Records. Then we found the Voyagin office and picked up our Studio Ghibli tickets for the following week. Then we did some more street exploring and tried to find the famous Shibuya crossing - as it turned out we had already crossed it a couple of times without realising. It looks so much bigger on photos and videos whereas in person its just the same as any major city. The surroundings do seem a little louder though, the advertising and tower blocks.

The Disney shop in Shibuya is definitely worth a visit.

We stopped by to exchange a morning greeting with Hachiko, the dog statue.

On our way back to the train station we were stopped by a little film crew and interviewed for Japanese television. Next stop - Harajuku.

The most popular street in Harajuku is Takeshita Street, down it you will find many many cute or kawaii goods accessories and clothes, there are also a lot of different places to eat. A particular favourite being the super sweet crepes and bubble teas, of which we just had to try.

But first for something savoury, here is Koi-Taco a fast food restaurant selling golf ball sized battered balls. Inside there are chunks of octopus and various topping to style it your way. We chose mayonnaise, spring onion topped with glitter of course! They had clear perspex walls and a bunch of different coloured pens for people to sign and draw all over their walls. 

Here's the previously mentioned highly indulgent snacks on offer in Harajuku.

After seeing the bustle of the teen-favourite hang out Harajuku streets, we headed to the Meiji Shrine.
This was the first view we had seen of historical Japan - or the version of Japan we had in our heads.

And it was amazing. 
This is where Japan is truly beautiful.

Last stop for today - Shinjuku.
We headed for the Tokyo metropolitan building, which has a 202metre high view of Tokyo. We saw amazing views, almost 360degrees, including the great Mt Fuji.

Japan Trip:

Day 1, 2 and 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15, 16 and 17

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